freddie.txt FEMALE SUPREMACY -=* BY LE CARNAD - THE PURVEYOR OF FINE FILTH *=- My girlfriend, Lu, short for Laura Ann and I have been into Female Supremacy (FS) for several years now, have gotten a good start growing up in families where the wife was dominant. There is no question in our minds of the appropriateness of Female Supremacy. Where our mothers won the battle of women's lib and brought women to a position of equality with men, we their daughters, are now changing that equality to rightful and delightfully exciting supremacy. In our relationship with men --- socially, that is --- we operate on the premise that the male can easily be controlled and used through humiliation that is primarily sexual. No force or violence is really needed. Instead the man's ego is progressively debilitated by using ridicule, insults, and mind control, all leading to sexual stimulation with the promise of fulfillment (the old male way) never being realized. ***THE SCHOOL*** We got Freddie from a divorced friend of my mom's who had raised him, with his two younger sisters, to be Male Submissive. Besides his family training, Freddie was also sent to a special Female Supremacy - Male Submissive private school with an enrollment of about one hundred and fifty (four to one, girl to boy ratio). The school was started by Freddie's and our mother's college sorority alumni group. All the teachers and the principal are women. The little girls start at four years of age and the boys at seven. Classes are heavily Female Supremacy slanted. By the fourth grade, male de- pantsing is subtly encouraged and tolerated on the playground and by the sixth grade, girls begin getting more biology, physics, math, engineering, ect. and the boys more cooking, sewing, dancing, entertaining, ect. By the time of puberty (increasingly closer to age fifteen, now in this school), the boys are required to wear retainers (a device for pulling the penis back between the legs) for all co-ed athletic competition. Junior girls provide locker room supervision of the boys to assure no masturbation or homosexual activity while the retainers are off. The Physical Education instructor, Ms. Jones, encourages all mothers or female guardians to follow a similar control procedure at home. As they are to be the ones to control the sex life of their men, the girls get both female and male sex education, the boys none. Drivers education is in the tenth grade for the girls, none for the boys. Dating begins as soon as the girls get the driver licenses and is on a "multi-girl, single-boy" basis initially, moving them to sandwich dating. With parental approval (the mother's) girls are encouraged to live together either with one of their families or in an apartment of their own during the eleventh grade. By the twelfth grade, many these girl- girl couples have already taken a boy in, and it is suggested that one of them marry him to better satisfy the more prudish. Graduation is age sixteen for females and nineteen for males. ***THE COURTSHIP*** Lu and I had Freddie introduced to us by the supervisor of our biological group (we're both biological research scientists), who knew of our lifestyle and thought such a boy would be a charming addition to our twosome. He was working in our coffee lounge as an attendant. So as not to frighten him, we began sandwich dating him until Lu felt the time was ripe, and had his sister bring him to our apartment for dinner and the seducing. With the lights turned low, I comfortable slouched in a chair, silently sipping a glass of white wine and watching television. Freddie was on the couch. Lu sat next to him with her arms around his shoulders. She began by telling him how much she loved him, gently blowing in his ear and now, as I watched she began to slowly unbutton his shirt and gently massage his nipples. Before Freddie arrival, Lu had told me that she had instructed his sister Barbara to bring him unretained, so that at different times Lu would suddenly drop her hand to his crotch and say, "Just as I suspected, Freddie. Your little dickie is getting hard. That's nasty! Now you just stop it right now! Young man!!" And she gently slapped his face. I marveled at the smoothness of her "male ego-diminishing" technique. It worked, too. He'd blush and say he was sorry, or he couldn't help it, ect. I chuckled. Then, her hand would soon be back at his nipples, Her tongue in his ear, sweet-talking him into another erection and another subsequent put-down from Lu. Now she was alternately Frenching him and asking him to marry her, then gently reprimanding him for "rising to the occasion." By this time Lu had gotten two or three glasses of wine down him. When she asked him to marry her, and he eagerly agreed. I'm not real sure he knew what was going on. She had him so confused, so embarrassed, so desirably submissive. Having agreed to be her husband Lu looked over at me and winked, and said, "Now Freddie, I'm going to slip your engagement ring on. Do you know where a boy like you wears his engagement ring?' Hesitantly he glanced over at me then lowered his head and murmured "No Lu, I don't." Her right hand was slipping down to his crotch and already she was pulling down his zipper, while her left hand toyed with his ear. He tried to stop her saying "Please don't Lu, not in front of Marcia like this." I chuckled, if only he know what he'd soon be doing in front of me and our friends. Slapping his hands away Lu continued "Why, baby" she tease, "Marcia is my friend. She won't be offended seeing your little peter. Will you Marcia honey?" I assured her that I would not and smiled broadly at the squirming boy. Now she had his right arm pinned behind her, was holding his left wrist and removing his penis from his now open fly. It was circumcised, which we expected it to be and would have had accomplished had it not been. "How does this make you feel, Freddie, to have two girls looking at your penis?" His spirit broken, he sobbed, "I feel terribly embarrassed, Lu." We both giggled. She was alternately bouncing and squeezing his dick, and Frenching him with her tongue. Suddenly, Lu pulled back breaking the kiss. Staring sternly at him she barks out "Freddie! I believe you're getting hard. You nasty thing! You stop that right now! When you get an erection, which will be most seldom, little boy. It'll be when I tell you too. Understand?" And she slapped him again. He was sobbing more and lowered his head as he mumbled "Yes Lu, I understand. I'm sorry it happened." She continued to fondling him and was now tonguing his ear. Then, she stopped, leaned over and took the ring from the end table and daintily stretching out his penis by grasping the pink head between her thumb and fore-finger. She began working the ring down over his semi-hardened penis to the base where the little silver plate on the ring with "Lu's" engraved on it was almost completely hidden in his public hairs. Freddie cries out an "OUCH!!" as Lu yanked at his pubic hair. Shaking her head she remarked "This hair will have to go!" I'll have your mother or little sister shave you, Freddie, for the wedding ceremony, so all our guest will be able to see and enjoy your pretty new ring." More blushing. "Look at me, Freddie." she gently ordered. As his eyes lifted to meet hers, she looked long and teasingly victorious at him until finally he dropped his eyes to the floor and Lu turned and blew me a silent kiss. "Marcia," Lu asked, "wouldn't you like to come over to see Freddie's new engagement ring?" I could see him impulsively suck in air as I rose and came over. Lu held his the penis in her hand. I took it and held it. He flinched. We both laughed. "Why Lu, honey," I teased, "didn't you just tell little Freddie about getting nasty? He's doing it again! His penis is getting stiff!" "Freddie Damn it!, I will not put up with such shit! Now stop it! This instant! and she slapped him very hard. The imprint of her hand was clearly visible on the boy face. He immediately went soft and began crying again. "I think you had better just put that little thing of yours back in your pants and we'll take you home." ***THE WEDDING*** The wedding was in our living room with eight to ten of our friends there all female who believe as we do in Female Supremacy. I was Lu's best woman and Freddie's mother stood up with him and gave him away. A high school friend, a Peggy McClanaham who had just graduated from seminary school, officiated. She asked "Is it your intention, Freddie, to diligently obey all the commands and desires of your bride, Lu; and if so , will you now at this time receive the ring?" Submissively lowering his head Freddie replied "Yes, if she will allow me to." His mother untied the robe and held the left side back and I grasp the right side and did likewise. Every hair on his body except his head had been shaved off. His mother had powdered him and very slightly rouged his lips and nipples. Even the head of his penis was applied with the cosmetic. He wore white ballet shoes and that was all except a blushingly embarrassed look on his down-turned face. Lu slipped the ring on him again and kissed him. "You're mine now, Freddie." She whispered. His mother kissed Lu, passionately Frenching her deeply. "Congratulation Darling! I know you and Marcia will both enjoy him," she whispered. She now slipped over Lu's head, and around her neck, the gold necklace with the little gold key to the retainer. His youngest sister Allison, an adorable little sex pot just thirteen years old, held the retainer so he could step into it. Allison pulled the waistband up and into place, inserted his testicles in their little anti-ascendant pouches, and the secured his penis in the zipped sleeve, and then pulled it back between his legs and fastened the strap on the band. Holding hands behind him, Lu and I both noticed his little pink penis head poked mischievously out of the crack between his buttocks. Smiling broadly Allison kissed Lu on the cheek then came to stand by me putting her arm around my waist and turning so I could taste those sweet lips. Lu bent down and inserted the little key in the lock on the retainer and turned it. "You may kiss you new husband," said the Rev. Mclanahan. Lu took the blushing Freddie in her arms and began a long, slow Frenchie. With her right hand she began to gently squeeze his retained penis. I heard her whisper, "Freddie, you're penis is getting hard! Shame on you! What did I tell you! And right in your wedding ceremony!" Then, with a faint smile on her pretty face. She slapped him gently, looking him straight in the eye the whole time. Playing with Allison bottom, I said I guess he needs his new wife to make mad and passionate love to him." Everyone around us all laughed, well-knowing how the marriage would be consummated. Lu smilingly led her terribly embarrassed new husband down the hall way to our bedroom. ***THE RECEPTION*** I sat sipping champagne with Allison sitting on my lap, I causally caress her budding young breasts, as the sight of Freddie being led down the hall by my lover, was still vividly impressed on my mind. I toyed with the young girls body as we all laughed and joked with the others. Peggy (Rev. McClanahan) told us it was the first Female Supremacy wedding she'd ever conducted. She said she didn't know in advance just on what the wedding band was to be slipped by Lu, but since it had "Lu's" engraved on the little silver plate. She was sure it had been placed where it should have been. We all laughed and agreed that it was exactly were it belonged. One of the girls asked, Pamela, Freddie's mom, where she bought the retainer, asserting she needed one for her husband and her twenty year old son who were in training. "I thought the retainer was just darling!" quipped another, "Especially the lace at the top of the waistband and around the front. And I loved the way it pulled him back through his crack!" We all laughed. "Lu and I have already decided on what Freddie's going to wear for Sally's bachelorette part next month," I smiled, "He'll be a French maid --- you know, apron and all --- except Freddie's just accidentally gonna forget to put on his panties." "OOOO --- when he bends over to set down the drinks!" swooned a twelve year old friend of Allison's. "I wish I could train my little brother just the way Allison and Barbara have." she sighed. "Jenny would you like to observe and assist in training Bart when he comes this summer? He just turned seventeen and I'm sure the humiliation and degradation of having to obey and please a pre-teen would do my sister son considerable good." offered Samantha, our next door neighbor. "It's always a pleasure to help someone so young on the road to Female Supremacy." ***THE WEDDING NIGHT*** Our guests departed quickly, knowing what was to soon happen. Having kissed Pamela good-bye at the front door. Lu stepped out of our bedroom and motioned for me to come in. Freddie was on his back, on the bed. She had taken off his robe, and he was naked except for the retainer. How nice to see a man like this, without having to see his ugly penis or worry about his filthy erections. The retainer was lovely. I smiled faintly at him causing him to blush. He demurely lowered his eyes. Lu chucked and said,. "Marcia, honey, Freddie and I have been talking about the relationship of all three of us, and I've explained how you and I feel about each other." She comes to me and we embrace and kiss. We pet for a few minutes as Freddie looked on. We both look down on our newest toy. Lu then continues, "Freddie and I have discussed the obeying part of the marriage vows, and he understands that they include you Marcia. We thought on this, our wedding night, it would be most appropriate for you to be in here for the consummation. Didn't, we Freddie?" With tears beginning now to trickle from his closed eyes, he nodded his assent. Lu and I exchanged satisfied smiles as I sat down in a chair and lit up a cigarette. Pour yourself a glass of champagne," Lu said as she smiled and reached behind her to unbutton and zip down the lovely red, slit-to-the-thigh, clingy chemise. Off came the garment to reveal the small but lovely pink tipped breasts she loved for me to fondle and suck. She locked her green eyes on mine to get my reaction. Again we smiled at each other as I read her silently shaped, "Later Baby" on her lovely mouth. She slid the chemise off over her hips and down past the matching red, lace, tied- on-the-side string bikini panties. She left on her garter belt and hose. Again her eyes locked on mine, she slowly began fondling her breast. I smiled and blew her a kiss. She threw back her blond hair, laughing, and turned to Freddie. Despite his training, I could see the lust in his eyes. He was staring at her nakedness with rape in his mind. I made a mental note to punish him later for this obvious non- submissive attitude. Lu now lay down on her side next to him and offered him her left nipple. She didn't say a word as he timidly took the erect nipple in his mouth and began to suck. "Look into my eyes when you do that," she told him. When he started to touch her breast, she commanded sternly, "Don't you dare touch my breast with your hands! Do you understand, Freddie?" Softly almost pathetically he whimpered, "Yes, Lu." She lovingly, yet passively, watched him nurse at her nipple, then told him to stop as she bent over and kissed him and began fondling his own nipples with her left hand. The she told him how much she loved him and how she knew just how to deal with a baby such as him. Lu was experienced. In her twenty-seven she'd had plenty of boys, and always on her terms. We both knew exactly how to train and control a male --- and certainly this young twenty-year-old virgin. Now she was tonguing his ear and caressing his stomach, moving her hand down toward his crotch. Almost idly her fingertips went under the little, fan-shaped, lacy shield, where Freddie's pubic hair had been. He squirmed his hips about and I giggled. Lu flipped the shield back, and as she Frenched his mouth her fingers toyed with the little silver plate on his wedding ring. The she raised up on her right arm to inspect it more closely. "Lu's," She smiled at him. "Do you know what that means, Freddie? That means you're mine to do with as I please --- for my personal enjoyment --- and for Marcia's, here, and for any other of our lady friends we choose. Do you understand?" Sobbing softly he managed to submissively say "Yes Lu." Lu order him to roll over and she closely inspected his little pink penis head that poked so invitingly out of his crack, just below his butt hole. Lu began to gently and daintily roll the head of his cock between her thumb and forefinger as she purred down close to his ear, "OOOOOO, Freddie, what a cute little penis you have. Does it excite you for Lu to play with it like this?" "Yes Lu." he mumbled. "And OOOOOH, Freddie, I'll bet what I've been doing to you is getting you horny, isn't it my little man?" "Yes," he sobbed out again. "Have you ever played with yourself before your mother put you in retainers?" When he didn't answer, Lu winked at me and ordered him to turn over. "Well, Freddie, have you ever played with yourself? Did you masturbate when you were little? Did you jack-off?" He closed his eyes tightly, sucked in his breath and sheepishly nodded his head up and down. "Why, Freddie, I'm ashamed of you! Did you hear that, Marcia? Well, young man, you won't ever do it again, unless I say you can. Do you understand?' She slapped him and he sobbed gently. "Open your eyes and look at me Freddie," she softly commanded. She held his stare a long time, the reached down and began gently fondling his penis through the retainer, still keeping his eyes locked on hers. "Your little sister Allison, told me she and Barbara caught you masturbating while looking at a magazine last year while you weren't wearing your retainer. Is that right?" Closing his eyes again he nodded yes. Lu threw me a wink. "Were you looking at girls, Freddie? Nude girls?" Beginning to choke back his sob's he again nodded. Lu continued to massage him as she said, "Why, Freddie, I'm ashamed of you. Aren't you, Marcia?' "Yup. I surely am," I said with mock seriousness as I blew a ring of smoke toward the ceiling. Now Lu was kneeling next to him, fondling his now erect penis with her left hand and playing with his nipples with the other. Then suddenly she stopped and commanded "Now you stop that, Freddie! I will not tolerate you getting hard!" She slapped his crotch very hard the she slapped his face. Curling up in a ball and turning his back to us he began to cry. Lu came over to the chair next to mine, sat down, took a long drink, and silently stared at her sobbing husband on the bed. She lit up a cigarette and smoked --- never saying a word. Winking at me, she said "Come over here, Freddie." He slowly got off the bed and came and stood before her. With a glass of champagne in one hand and a cigarette in the other, she slouched a bit forward so her lovely bottom was right on the edge of the chair. She looked up at him, pulled her panties' side string, allowing the front panel to fall open. Spreading her legs a bit her moisten vagina was now plainly visible. Just the sight of her pussy made my mouth water. Her cunt honey taste so sweet, we spent many nights locked in the sixty-nine position, pleasing each other to exhaustion. Reaching down Lu spread herself open and lightly touch her erect clitors as she spoke. "Did your mother and sisters teach you anything about how to please a woman?" Hanging his head Freddie submissively replied "Yes, Lu." "Do you like to eat pussy, Freddie?" Nodding his head Yes Lu looked over at me and smiled and said "Well, don't you understand that's what I want you to do right now. Get down and eat me until I tell you to stop." Glancing nervously at me he obediently, took his seat on the floor between his wife's long legs, sliding his legs under the chair and clasping his hands behind him. "Begin," she commanded. "And, Freddie, you are to look up into my face, unless I instruct you otherwise. And you are never to touch me with your hands." Then, as his head began bobbing up and down, his mouth working on Lu, she and I casually talked of styles, our work and other trivial things. After a few minutes she ordered him to stop. "That's enough for now. You're not bad as a pussy-eater, Freddie, but you're going to need a lot of practice to please both Marcia, me, and our friends who will come over. Here, wipe your face off; you're so messy when you eat, Freddie." Chucking I moved over to kiss Lu deeply as I caress her titties and pinched her erect nipples. "Now, on your back; on the floor --- with you hands under you," Lu ordered. When he was in position Lu got up saying "That's a good boy!" She went over and stood over him, one foot on either side, and look down at him. "Freddie, I'm really disappointed in you, You really didn't excite me much with you lips and tongue while eating my pussy -- - so now I'm going to fuck you nose. Ever have a girl sit on your face, Freddie?" Tears ran off his cheeks as he shook his head side to side indicating no and closed his eyes. "Well, that big nose of yours must be good for something." Slowly and enticingly she sat down on his chest, tapping his nose with her finger she command "look at me Freddie." Then she inched her way forward ---looking into his tear filled eyes the whole time --- until her vagina was just at his chin. "Don't you think I have a pretty pussy, Freddie?" she whispered sexily. "Oh! Yes! Lu, you do," he exclaimed. Lu and I both laughed. Then she knelt on her left knee and stretched her right leg out past his head, her heel on the floor. She then slowly lowered down, and enclosed his nose with her vaginal lips. She deliberately began fucking his face, back and forth, back and forth, in a remarkable short time. she climaxed. She came in a shuddering, rushing torrent of passion. I guess the excitement of knowing she now possessed a boy-toy turned her on. I know that my own pussy was dripping it juices and I could hardly wait to get at him. Once her breathing returned to normal, she pulled back, looked down at him, patted his cheek, and swung off, to resume her seat on the chair. Settling back she lit up and pitched him her panties telling him to clean his face. We watched as he rubbed the silken panties over his face. Still sniffing the panties Lu order him to kneel as she commented "Well, Freddie you nose is warmer than our favorite dildo but maybe Marcia and I will enjoy sitting on your face occasionally." Turning to me she says "It felt like he was trying to pump my pussy full of air when he sneezed. I guess some of my cunt cream got in his big nose." Lu handed him a glass of champagne and had him drink it quickly. It contained a special stimulant that she and I had discovered while doing research. It heightened you feeling but at the same time it was a relaxant that free your body of all tension. After a few minutes while the drug took effect she stood and ordered him to lean over the back of the chair. I went to our toy chest and got the new dildo we had purchased for this special occasion. It was a monster, fourteen inches long and about four inches in diameter. I began to strap in on her adjusting the harness and the dildo until I had the specially attached vibrator directly over her clit. Standing beside her I grasp the fake cock as I watched as she undid his retainer and slid it down his legs to mid thigh. Leaning over his back she began whispering sweet nothings in his ear as her right hand began fondling his bottom. I held the lubricant and she took a dab of it and began working it around and then in this rectum. We knew from this mother that he was a virgin so Lu took it slow and easy. He hadn't seen the dildo, so I'm sure as Lu spread his buttocks cheeks and began inching he head of the dildo into Freddie, he thought it was her finger. The drug had worked fine --- it was enough to make him loose, but not enough to inhibit his awareness that his new bride and wife was actually going to fuck his ass --- and in the presence of her best friend. Lu wanted this ultimate humiliation to be remembered and understood by him as the complete consummation of their marriage and his wife's dominance over him. And believe me, it was! He screamed both from the pain of penetration but also from the realization that I was witnessing his true place in this relationship. As soon as I'd gotten the pictures, that we had planned for, Lu pulled out and told the now crying Freddie to turn around and face her. He saw his wife, with me caressing her breast and licking her erect nipples, the dildo extending from her pretty pussy, the straps passing around behind her bottom. "Freddie," she said, "on this, your wedding night, you have now been properly fucked by your wife and later when Marcia and I return you will be fucked by her. You belong to us and no one else. You have a luscious little bottom which we both will enjoy and with time you will learn all the little things that please us. Now, ask Marcia to fasten your retainer back in place and go to sleep at your rightful place at the foot of our bed. Freddie picked up the retainer and stood before me with head bowed as he sobbed uncontrollably. Holding the retainer as he stepped into it I said "Tomorrow you mother is bring over a duplicated key for me along with all your other retainers and a diary of your training up until tonight. Allison told me at the reception that she had planned to start your initial training as a Toilet Slave next month, she said your mom was receptive to the idea. Maybe I'll invite her over and she and I will train you together. Lu and I both want to get her into bed. Does her little pussy taste sweet, Freddie?" Handing me the key, I locked the retainer as Freddie crumpled to the floor crying his eyes out. Kissing Lu once again I say "Honey I think we had better leave the poor boy alone to sort out things." Wrapping my arm around Lu we left the room. The best of Female Supremacy was just beginning for us.